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Creative Grid

A writing space to share info, stories and experiences–bilingually.

My head speaks english.

My heart writes spanish.

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How to Keep Your Brand Fresh and Relevant

How to Keep Your Brand Fresh and Relevant In the fast-paced world of business, the importance of a strong brand cannot be overstated. A brand…

The Importance of Color for Brands

Unveiling the Palette: Understanding the Importance of Color for Brands In the realm of branding, where every element meticulously shapes perception, color stands as a…

Building Success

Building Success: The Crucial Role of Branding for Small Businesses In the fast-paced world of commerce, where first impressions matter more than ever, small businesses…

Aesthetics of Communication

Aesthetics of Communication: The Intricate Marriage of Fonts and Emotions In the intricate realm of design, where every nuance matters, typography emerges as a silent…

El Sueño Amerikkkano

ESCRITO EL 17 DE JULIO, 2020. Experiencias de Racismo de un Colombiano en los Estados Unidos. Al crepúsculo de aquel día, después de una tarde…

Designing for the Future: Navigating Trends and Innovations

Designing for the Future:Navigating Trends and Innovations In the ever-evolving world of design, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. As we journey further into…