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sparks & honey Headquarters Spatial Design

  • Date: April, 2023
  • Categories: Branding

sparks & honey is a cultural intelligence consultancy helping organizations understand explosive and immediate cultural shifts, as well as cultural tastes that develop over time.

The narrative of the sparks & honey brand warrants a compelling, multifaceted yet accessible portrayal. This entails conveying intricate operational methodologies in a straightforward manner. We achieved to captivate visitors, clients, partners, and peers through interactive office wall displays, which enhance the informative narrative articulated by sparklers’ very own knowledgeable tour guides. Our accomplishment lies in effectively engaging and broadening the awareness of visitors, instilling a favorable brand perception. As a result, they depart with enthusiasm, poised to advocate for our company in their broader networks.

  • Clients
    sparks & honey
  • Sectors
    Cultural Consulting
  • Services
    Spatial / Environmental Design
Terry Young, CEO of sparks and honey walking a the office with a member of the advisory board.

Brand Storytelling Through Spatial Design & Wayfinding